A properly designed gas installation ensures safe and reliable usage of gas which benefits the consumer as well as the gas supplier. It encourages non – users to convert from traditional fuel to gas.
What is a good installation?
A good installation is one that has the correct storage capacity, has used the right pipe size, is sited in a safe location and is fully compliant to local regulations and international gas standards or codes of practice. Gas installations should be designed and installed by a competent and qualified technicians.
LPG Installation
An LPG system comprises of the LPG cylinders or tanks, manifold, pipelines, vaporizers, regulators, and various other equipment. The LPG stored in the cylinders or tanks is in liquid form. A vaporizer is used to convert it to vapor (in LOT installations). The manifolds help transfer the liquid LPG to the vaporizer. Regulators as the name suggest regulates the pressure of the LPG to an appropriate level for efficient performance of the burner, boiler and other appliances. VOT installations do not require a vaporizer.
Design for Installation
- Determine the Total Load
In order to determine the total load we must know the consumption of all the equipment which will be fuelled by LPG. It is extremely important to consider the consumption of the equipment when run on “full load” and not “average load”. The consumption of any equipment which is to be installed in the near future must also be considered while planning the total load. So that the entire system can be designed accordingly.
- VOT or LOT
Depending on the total consumption required by the client, one must decide whether the client will require a VOT or an LOT system. 400 – 700 grams per hour, per cylinder is the off take rate in VOT. Hence, they are considered the best option for applications requiring low consumption of LPG per hour. On the other hand, the off take rate in LOT is 4 – 5 kgs of LPG per hour per cylinder, which is why the number of cylinders on a manifold reduces. If the consumption of a client using VOT rises it is essential that an LOT system is installed, in order to avoid cylinder sweating.
- Pipe Sizing
In order for the entire LPG installation to work effectively, proper selection of the pipe size in essential. The gas pipeline installed must be able to meet the maximum consumption without the loss in pressure. The two main factors to be considered while installing gas pipelines are:
1. Distance between the PRS and the equipment
2. Maximum operating pressure of the gas fired equipment
The lower the operating line pressure, the bigger the pipe diameter required to achieve the same flow capacity. The loss of pressure rises with the piping length and fittings. If the gas pipeline sizing is correct, the pressure loss will be reduced and the inlet of the equipment will receive the fuel at precise pressure.
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